We guarantee a high meat content in our Jack Premium dog food. The intake of the right amount of protein is also important for the healthy nutrition of our pets. In this preserve, this is added to the food in the form of lamb. Complete food for adult dogs of all breeds - with lamb and rice.
The product is also available in 400 and 800 gram packages.

Sugar free
Soy free
Artificial Colourant free
Artificial Flavour enhancer free
Artificial Preservative free
Artificial Admixture free
ANALYTICSCrude protein 7.0%
Crude fat 4.5%
Crude ash 2.5%
Crude fiber 0.3%
Humidity 82.0%

Additives/ 1kg. Nutritional and physiological additives:
Zinc (zinc oxide) 27.95 mg
Manganese (manganese (II) oxide) 2.69 mg
Iodine (coated, granulated, anhydrous calcium iodate) 0.65 mg
Iron (iron (II) sulfate, monohydrate) 21.5 mg

Ingredients: meat and animal derivatives (70% meat and animal derivatives in one piece, including 4% lamb), cereals (including 4% rice), minerals, vegetable protein extracts, various sugars.

Feeding recommendation: the new pet food must be gradually added to the previous food during the first 7 days. From the 7th day, only the new dishes can be served.

Feeding information regarding the recommended daily intake:
For a 3 kg animal, the recommended daily dose is 300 g
For a 5 kg animal, the recommended daily dose is 450 g
For a 10 kg animal, the recommended daily dose is 750-800 g
For a 15 kg animal, the recommended daily dose is 1000-1100 g
For a 30 kg animal, the recommended daily dose is 1700-1800g.
The dog’s daily needs depend on its age, breed, activity and the conditions of the animal husbandry. The indicated data are informative.

Served at room temperature. Always provide fresh water for your pet.
Metabolizable energy in 100 g 338 kJ (81 kcal)